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CHAKRAS Cheat-sheet! :)

1. M U L A D H A R A – Root Chakra

Element: Earth, therefore linked with sense of security, home, familiarity, being grounded

Colour: Red

Location: Base of the spine, therefore affecting bowel movements, weight gain/loss, pelvic pain etc.



If blocked, you may feel distracted, disconnected, rushing from task to task, feeling stuck and not able to feel the ground under your feet.

When aligned, you feel stable, secure, calm.

Yoga for this chakra: intense stretches, deep squats and feeling ground in each asana.

2. S V A D I S T H A N A – Sacral Chakra

Element: water; linked to sensuality, fluidity and creativity.

Colour: orange

Location: lower belly - therefore is blocked it manifests in chronic low back pain, reproductive issues, pelvic issues.



When balanced, our relationship with ourselves & the world feels pleasureful & nurturing. You feel energy for creativity, movement, pleasure & relationships.

It nourishes a HEALTHY relationship to pleasure.

When out of balance, you may feel overwhelmed by our emotions, overindulgence in s*x or lack of interest in it.

Yoga for balancing Svadisthana: fluid movements, vinyasa flowy flows. 😊

3. M A N I P U R A – Navel chakra

Element: fire -linked to power, will, self-esteem, identity

Colour: yellow.

Location: navel, therefore affecting digestion, metabolism, eating habbits.



This chakra is your power-house!

With awaken Manipura, you awaken your inner power to help you overcome any fear you may have around risk-taking.

If blocked, you may feel overly rigid, or controlling behaviour, short temper or poor self-esteem.

Yoga for Manipura: core work, twists, kapalabhati pranayama – to transform obstacles into assets and fear into freedom. 😊

4. A N A H A T A – Heart chakra

Location: heart

Element: air

Color: green

Linked to love, compassion, empathy, joy and forgiveness.

When aligned, you will feel open to all experiences in life; be able to give love and accept love; be able to truly love and accept ourselves and our bodies.

If blocked, you may feel lonely, isolated, but also jealous and difficult to trust others.

Physically, it is connected to blood circulation, blood pressure, and other heart and lung conditions.

Yoga for balancing: Keep a gratitude journal, writing down three things a day that you feel grateful for. Practice a gratitude & loving kindness meditation.

5. V I S H U D D H A – Throat chakra

Can you communicate your feelings? When difficult conversations arise, do you shut down rather than speak up?

Colour: Indigo

Location: throat, therefore also affecting thyroid gland and throat issues.

Element: Sound or space, therefore linked to speaking up and expressing yourself, but also with hearing and being heard.



“This is where you find your voice, speak your truth, and sing praises—for yourself and others.”

Throat chakra connects the energies between your basic needs (lower chakras) & your higher wisdom (upper chakras).

If blocked, you may be unable to express your feelings, to speak up to defend yourself, express your opinion, or state your choices. On contrary - you may have tendency to talk too much or ramble on without a clear point.

When you’re able to express thoughts with clarity, you will be heard and understood.

Yoga for Vishuddha: Chant, sing, or hum! Also poses that close and oven throats as shown in this post. 😊

6. A J N A – third eye chakra


Colour: indigo

Location: between the eyebrows. Our 6th sense. Therefore, physically associated with headaches, migraines and insomnia if out of balance.



Ajna chakra is associated with higher knowledge. It helps you perceive a understanding beyond the physical world.

It connects you to your intuition and illuminates everything as it is without the filter of your past, your expectations, or your judgment.

When Ajna is functioning well, you trust your inner wisdom. When it’s blocked, you feel close-minded. If overdeveloped, you might be dreamy, living in imaginary world.

When balanced, you see your life with clarity.

When blocked, you lose your connection with your inner wisdom, so you may be unable to look beyond immediate problems and see the bigger picture.

7. S A H A S R A R A – Crown chakra

“Universal Consciousness”

Element: thought

Location: top of the head

Colour: violet/silver

Controls your connection to spirit, wisdom & self-knowledge.

If blocked, you may feel a lack of focus or a lack of connection to the world - confusion.

If overdeveloped, hyper spiritualization.

When you’re working with this energy centre, you’re indicating your interest in a higher purpose and an elevated way of being.

As you start to balance the crown chakra, you’ll feel much more clear-headed—gaining the ability to situate yourself in the world around you. You may also feel more connected with the spiritual realm.

Yoga for balancing: Nadi shodana breathing

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